The Network is very pleased to share that its lead, Alan Mercel-Sanca in conjunction with Bournemouth & Poole College’s Lloyd Perry, Head of Student Support was the main feature on BBC Radio Solent’s the ‘Early Late Show’ this evening (16th December, 8 – 8:30pm): https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06lspzr. Alan and Lloyd taking questions from Early Late Show host, Stephanie Newenhouse on BPC & Network collaborative support on Ask for Clive initiative introduced at the college by the Network.
The Network is really Proud of the college’s enthusiastic embracing of AfC; the student and teacher/lecturer outreach great impacts of the introduction of AfC in key locations across both BPC (Bournemouth and Poole) campuses was detailed from Lloyd’s side, whilst on the Network’s side Alan explained about the St Alban’s (Hertfordshire) private sector (bars and clubs) origin of AfC and its dynamics (a response to very real safety and feeling welcome in social venue needs that until AfC advent had been remaining all too often, despite public sector best efforts (some good, but much bad in our Dorset area and nationally), unmet.
In the broadcast the Network shared about its national level work with Lindsay England (Just a Ball Game? founder) and on counteracting the anti-LGBT dimension of the Home Office & Immigration Tribunal de-facto persecution of LGBT community members (international and UK).