LGBT+ & LGBTQ+ community and mental health & related healthcare service providers support:

The story of LGBT+ (community members who self-identify/are ‘Out’ as LGBT+ [to themselves, and/or also ‘Out’ to others who are LGBT+ ‘Allies,’ and in many cases to others including the broader general public and service providers such as the NHS, local authorities officials and elected councillors, and beyond) AND especially LGBTQ+ community members (nonheterosexual and/or noncisgender LGBT+ who are still en-route to becoming fully self-identifying/’Out’ as LGBT+) is in the West and lands and peoples influenced by Western cultures from the colonial and pre-modern equality and human rights respecting era, is the story of deliberately or non-purposed, but very real poor mental health caused by prejudice and persecution.

This record of prejudice & persecution caused bad mental health, often brutally and fatally experienced by LGBT+ & LGBTQ+ community members, has of course been mirrored by the record of bogus/’quack’ conversion ‘therapy’ forces, through to actual formal mental health healthcare providers (such as the NHS). Supporting self-empowerment of community members on the journey of becoming LGBT+ self-identifying/’Out’ AND secular mental healthcare providers (particularly the UK NHS [but also the HSE in Ireland]), through knowledge is therefore a central aspect of the Network’s purpose and work.

This work is so important given that the early 21st Century generation of the forces that for centuries have actively worked for LGBT community persecution, are still far from evaporated, and that anti-LGBT sympathetic political and actively [or in the background influencing at operational delivery level] elements are directly or indirectly active in the education and healthcare provision sectors —

For these reasons, the LGBT+ Network for Change has taken a LGBTQ+ community self-help through knowledge, debriefing from and exposing the fallacies [and often, overt falsehoods] within the arguments of anti-LGBT forces, AND in this through awareness resources and associated training, and through the latter support those in the healthcare sector (in the UK, state/NHS, and private sector) at LGBT+ & LGBTQ+ service users engagement strategy guidance, and healthcare professionals and admin, levels.


This section of website therefore constitutes a home-page for our work, that community members and mental health AND broader healthcare service providers can access. Links to specific initiatives of the Network will be able to be accessed through links that will be provided in the space below — in addition to this, we provide directly to healthcare providers, the awareness resources mentioned above.

The purpose of this page and section of our website is therefore to be a useful point of reference for LGBT+ context NHS and broader health and social care provision news and performance, and relevant research (our own and others too including at national level), articles and reports; to celebrate the great work that is going on, and if and where necessary to highlight issues and needs being poorly covered that are of importance to our community.

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