Network new Working Name and organisation Constitutional Objects and associated charity structure bring much needed outreach and influence development:

The Network has completed the main stages of it’s reorganisation, which included Charity Commission authorisation of our new Working Name ‘LGBT+ Network for Change’ and adjustment of aspects of our constitution Objects. Both of these bring the Network up to date with its pan-UK and enablement of pan-British Isles activity and strategy, whose development began 2+ years ago resulting from the major impact and nature of our more national to international level work and specialist interest areas successful work record and it’s impacts (reflected in our news items).

However, we have retained as our legal, Charity Commission authorised, founding name of ‘LGB&T Dorset Equality Network’ as this reflects the location of origin and continued activity in a number of areas in this locality; similarly our revised constitution includes specific reference to the pan-Dorset/BCP area, where we maintain a Chapter/branch of the Network. The experience base of this area has been very important in the evolution of the organisation’s work, and in areas such as our LGBT & LGBTQ+ homeless support multi-agency initiative, NHS engagement and partnerships, and with the prison service.

The Network now has to Co-Lead/Chairs of the Board, Ms Erin Greenslade and Mx Mattier Viner; the Dorset Chapter has Fr John Hyde as it’s local Chair.

A Network Team page is being developed for our website, and will be complete before late December 2021.

HMP The Verne celebrates LGBT History Month 2021 with fundraising for the Network

We are very pleased to share that in recognition of the work at multiple levels, and taking a number of forms, of the Network Lead Officer, and Chair over the past 18 months.

Early in History Month, HMP The Verne contacted us to share that they would as a tangible evidence of their support for LGBT+ outreach, inclusion and anti-discrimination through their work with us at the Network, would be fundraising for us, with one of their officers leading on this wonderful initiative (for security and confidentiality & GDPR reasons we have not included identifying particulars in the image above).

Subsequently, the Network has provided a Certificate of Appreciation & Thanks for this greatly appreciated LGBT History Month 2021 of the staff of HMP The Verne. The Network is very pleased to be working with HM Prison & Probation Service (HMPPS) and their team at HMP The Verne. We also working with neighbouring HMP & YOI Portland and the broader HMPPS Avon & South Dorset Prisons Group. This work accords with the Network’s guiding remit of engaging tangibly for LGBT+ inclusion, dignity, and equality with often overlooked/poorly engaged with & represented, as well as particularly vulnerable and isolated sections of our LGBT+ Community.

Thank you so Much HMP The Verne for your commitment to LGBT+ inclusive & equality values!