Advisors Recruitment Policy


Recruiting Advisors is central to the Network’s projects and initiative work & activity, and also  for the growth and evolution of our organisation which is rooted in the latter which are all linked to supporting and serving often overlooked sections of our LGBT+ community at pan-British Isles and international AND online/internet levels. We need a broad experience base, from skills and lived experience, in order to produce our high quality of work.

It is important to take time to recruit trustees to ensure that potential trustees are a right fit for us as a board, but also that the board is a right fit for them. It also means that we can develop a board with a range of skills, capabilities, experiences and thus beliefs and ideas. With diversity of people, comes diversity of thought, which is a necessity for a board that is representative of the LGBT+ community.

Publicising and advertising the role:

Network Advisor role opportunities / joining the Network as an Advisor generally arise through operational services, projects and initiatives delivery through contacts made and engagement arising by the latter by the Network operational and projects and initiatives delivery lead (as contacts are made with those with relevant interest, experience, and expertise in the given field), and also by Network Trustees involved in advisory support to those Network projects and initiatives implementation. 

However the role and post of Advisor can be and sometimes is advertised in relevant directions / through relevant platforms online — recruitment sites and via the Network’s website and social media — mainly but also through word of mouth. 

Advisor role requirements:

Before being accepted, a Network Advisor will need to confirm via email that they will comply with ALL of the Network policies and compliance requirements, including our Equality & Anti-Discrimination Policy and Code of Practice.