The Network is really pleased to share the exciting news that Coastal BID (Bournemouth) has signed up with great enthusiasm to the Ask for Clive initiative. We would like to thank the BID’s Operations Manager Ms Fiona McArthur for her support on this important diversity & inclusion initiative.

AfC participation gives premises, businesses, organisations, venues LGBT community witnessing credibility on their being genuinely welcoming to LGBT community members and offering safe, inclusive environments to visit, shop in, work in, with the knowledge that on their given premises, and working environment should anti-LGBT ASB (including ‘banter’) take place, that there is a point of contact (‘Clive’) they can ask for or go to for action to be taken.
Please watch this space for more news coming soon on sign ups! A big Thank You again to Coastal BID from the Bournemouth area LGBT community and the Network for their support through signing up to AfC!