Advisors / Volunteers Role Description

NOTE: Outside of Network staff/operational services delivery posts, all Network team members are volunteers: trustees, advisors, general volunteers. We encourage even general volunteers to consider becoming formal advisors as everyone has a passion, experience, expertise, interest area where they thrive.

In order to carry out your responsibilities as an Advisor / Volunteer, you should:

  • be committed to the purpose, objects and values of the organisation
  • be constructive about other Network team members (fellow advisors, trustees, operational staff) contributions and viewpoints in discussions and meetings and activities delivery
  • be able to act reasonably and responsibly when undertaking such duties and performing tasks
  • be able to maintain confidentiality on sensitive and confidential information
  • be supportive of the values (and ethics) of the organisation
  • understand the importance and purpose of meetings, and be committed to preparing for them adequately and attending them regularly
  • be able to analyse information and, when necessary, challenge constructively
  • be able to make collective decisions and stand by them

Requirements for Advisors / Volunteers: 

  • Passion to see the values and purposes of the Network realised 
  • To be a good ambassador for the work of the Network and the organisation itself 
  • Have a record of previous effective support for and to our LGBT+ community  
  • Being party politics-free [inclusive] in regard to Network activity, taking a cross-party approach but also where relevant to support and initiate connection for the Network with given political parties that work on particular LGBT+ community supportive thematic initiatives (these will almost always transcend party political/party exclusive limitations).


  • Commitment between meetings can vary person to person.
  • Attendance at meetings when relevant and required, including the AGM, and assisting where able on delivery of the latter, is required. (Currently online)
  • Few hours of supportive time per 3-4 months between meetings.
  • We have monthly (in exceptional circumstances bi-monthly) Network-wide online meetings, for all trustees and volunteers that it is recommended to attend.
  • Responsiveness to internal communications.
  • Participation in relevant working groups, when needed.

Support outside of meetings often involves participation in working groups on Network specialist areas, for example the tackling LGBTQIA+ homeslessness Initiative, training projects or events in relation to education, the NHS, prisons, BAME and international LGBT+ community members

The role mainly involves expertise, experience sharing, and when relevant strategic networking and related introductions on given specialist areas that the given Advisor has a passion for and a standing interest in. 

For example, this could be through providing a supportive quote, or content to a report or research document, promoting awareness of an initiative in your relevant circles of outreach.  It may also include looking through a draft document, proofreading internal policy, assisting with social media strategy, writing an article on a Network initiative area subject, helping produce training on a Network initiative area subject.

Some suggested skills, experience and expertise base subjects:

In particular we are looking for a treasurer and trustees with knowledge and experience in finance, fundraising, grant applications, social media and marketing.

We value skills and experience in, but not limited to the following areas:

  • Report writing and research 
  • Project leadership and project management and related support
  • Public speaking
  • LGBT+ sub-groups with special support needs, interest support
  • Healthcare and NHS
  • Ethnic minority/BAME/BME LGBT+ community support
  • International LGBT+ community support
  • Partnerships development and enablement
  • Being a good team player, and when required, team leader 
  • Social Media, Marketing, PR, news media and messaging skills (such as writing or reviewing press releases) are positives
  • Advocacy experience and skills, including policy advocacy 
  • Networking, especially skills in strategic networking 
  • Specialist areas of interest and expertise 
  • Troubleshooting and mediation skills
  • Fundraising 
  • Finance skills
  • Organising and hosting meetings and events (such as online launches) 


Only out-of-pocket expenses are payable to Advisors. For example, when travel is required, costs can be covered.

Term/duration of service an advisor/volunteer

An initial two years, with elections happening at the end of a trustees term, subsequently renewed annually automatically

For an advisor/volunteer in order to leave the Network, one needs to hand in their resignation by email with a notice period of a month