Work and collaboration with Dorset Healthcare NHS University Foundation Trust

2021 commences with a greatly to be welcomed new era of Network supported and enabled engagement with NHS services on LGBT+ community engagement and support.

As you will be aware from our recent news announcement on the very important breakthrough for our LGBT+ community on approach to the Network from the lead (Mr Steven Barber) of Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust’s Poole ‘Steps 2 Wellbeing’ programme —  —  major changes are now at last starting to take place in regard to Dorset Healthcare’s approach to support to and engagement with our community.  As Dorset Healthcare is the pan-Dorset mental healthcare NHS service provider this change has major significance for our community and the NHS in Dorset and the BCP area.

However, beyond Steps 2 Wellbeing, the Network is delighted that in the very recent past we were contacted by Dorset Healthcare’s Learning & Development lead to request that the Network lead, Alan Mercel-Sanca on the basis of his LGBT+ (and broader Diverse Communities, BAME) representation, healthcare provision engagement experience & expertise join the assessors’ panel for interviewing candidates for the new EDI lead for the Trust.  This constituted major recognition to the Network and a true ‘sea change’ by this very important NHS Trust, given its service provision remit of mental healthcare – so relevant to sadly still all too many members of our community. 

Consequently, we have, through our Lead Officer, Alan Mercel-Sanca directly, been requested by the Trust to provide dedicated LGBT+ engagement training and mentoring for the new EDI lead across a preparation lead in period this Spring, to help ensure the new officer has an effective, pan-Dorset LGBT+ community engagement and support understanding & communications credibility brief and will be able to deliver their very important post effectively for both Trust LGBT+ staff as well as Trust service users.

More news to follow soon.