This page is being redeveloped in line with current reorganisation of the charity taking place from late 2024 to this current [February 2025] time period. This arising from review of across the past two years substantial achievements through a number of initiatives and other work (for both please see our News Page) on realising completion of the charity’s constitution remits and Objects.
The current Board of the LGBT+ Network for Change Trustees comprises:
Alan Mercel-Sanca: Chair of the Board (until late 2024 Lead Officer of the Charity, who stepped down from that role to ovesee the charity reorganisation referred to above, and who was lead founder of the Network on its creation at the start of 2016)
Erin Greenslade: a co-founder of the Network
Connor [Maxine] Dybowski: Volunteer with the Network since early 2022 — and Trustee with current acting level deputy CEO and Treasurer roles
Daniel Clarke: Arts Advisor/Trustee