Network support for Dorset PCC Candidate businesses & crime Survey + related Network initiative

The Network is requesting LGBT run and staffed businesses, especially those with LGBT community clientele in the small business sector to participate in a Businesses & Crime survey by the Conservative Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner (DPCC) candidate, Mr David Sidwick. As regular visitors to the Network website will be aware David provided an important, valuable interview with the Network last summer, and subsequently has been in good and very supportive contact with our organisation, this including his belief that the Ask for Clive initiative contributes strong potential for counteracting anti-LGBT ASB and conducive to expanding much broader LGBT and Diverse Communities support where prejudice, and inclusion, are concerned.

David’s businesses & crime survey will assist on interventions at policy and policing delivery levels, working with the Network for very real LGBT+ community benefits: his survey can be accessed at  and you can read more about his exciting anti-ASB prospectus at

Further, the timing of the businesses & crime survey supports well Network preparation for a formal request to be made to BCP Council supporting a dedicated LGBT community supportive businesses and hate crime initiative coming soon (December 2020/January 2021).  This will combine enhanced outreach for the Ask for Clive initiative with our seeking broader businesses and organisations outreach on support for monitoring anti-LGBT prejudice, with for larger businesses and organisations engagement on performance on bullying and perceived bullying and indirect discrimination where LGBT staff and colleagues are targeted.